Sunday, August 5, 2012

New Journey

I have been looking for a fullfilling "thing" to do for the past 8 years. This has taken me from Surgical Technology to Teaching to Nursing all while working in an industry that sucks the life right out of you. Never feeling as if what I do touches anyone and wondering if my life will have anymore meaning than it does right now. I don't fit in here at least not with the people my age in my portion of Savannah. I am a card carrying geek.  That's right folks, I'm different, smart ( too smart for my own good,  usually) and stay stuck in my head most of  the time. I can fake social skills well, but usually prefer not to be around people as most of them would be quite scared of me lol. Not a drinker or a smoker, and don't like bars where he-men are looking at and for skinny chics with their asses hanging out. So, I say all of this to say that I'm going to try to step out on a ledge and do what I've talked about and dreamed about for most of my life.  I'm going to get into films, I've applied and been accepted to the Academy of Art and will be studying film and screen writing. (Richard and Chris) this is where I finally take the plunge and learn how to make the movie we have talked about every time we've been around each other. As I take this path that hopefully will lead me where I want to go, I'll blog about it here. Maybe, just Maybe it will make others who feel out of step get the courage to dance right out of line and into their own selves.

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